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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 12-11 16:56:31   浏览次数:654  栏目:英语作文
标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高一英语作文,http://www.qingsong8.com NOCHARGE(英语转载,中文是我翻译的)作文700字-750字,
Our little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper, and handed her piece of paper that he had been writing on. After his mom dried her hands on an apron. She read it, and this is what it said: 
For cutting the grass $5.00 
For cleaning up my room this week #1.00 
For going to the store for you $0.50 
Baby sitting my kid brother while you went shopping $0.25 
Taking out the garbage $1. 00 
For getting a good report card $5. 00 
For cleaning up and raking the yard $2. 00 
Total owed: $14.75 
Well,I’ll tell you,his mother looked at him standing there expectantly,and boy,could I see the memories flashing through her mind. So she picked up the pen,turned over the paper he’d written on,and this is what she wrote: 
For the nine months I carried you while you were growing inside me www.qingsong8.com 你也可以投稿 www.qingsong8.com,No Charge. 
For all the nights that I’ve sat up with you,doctored and prayed for you,No Charge. 
For all the trying times,and all the tears that you’ve caused through the years,there’s No Charge.
For all the nights that were filled with dread,and for the worries I knew were ahead,No Charge. 
For the toys,food,clothes,and even wiping your nose,there’s No Charge,Son. 
When you add it all up,the cost of my love is No Charge. 
Well,friends,when our son finished reading what his mother had writtenwww.qingsong8.com,there were great big old tears in his eyes,and he looked straight up at his mother and said:“Mom,I sure do love you. ”And then he took the pen and in great big letters he wrote:“PAID IN FULL”.  
除草 5美元 
这个星期打扫自己的房间 1美元 
为你去商店 0。5美元 
当你去商店的时候看护小弟弟 0。25美元 
倒垃圾 1美元 
得到优异的成绩单 5美元 
打扫庭院 2美元 
共计:14。75 美元 
怀你9个月,让你慢慢长大 一分也不收 
陪你度过每一个夜晚,照顾呵护你 一分也不收 
这么多年来为了你度过难熬的时光www.qingsong8.com,为你流的泪 一分也不收 
为了你而惊恐担心的日日夜夜 一分也不收 
为你买玩具,吃的,衣服和为你擦鼻涕 一分也不收,儿子 
当你把这些全部加起来,我全部的真爱 一分也不收 
