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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 12-11 16:56:53   浏览次数:269  栏目:英语作文
标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高一英语作文,http://www.qingsong8.com 考试英语(11)作文500字-550字,
Sunshine sports program Dear Jane,  Thank you for your last letter asking about our sunshine sports program.  Now I tell you some sports in our school. Many students doing sports one hour everyday. Different students have different interests. Some boys like playing football, because they love it. Most girls like shoppingwww.qingsong8.com, because they think it relaxing. But most boys like playing Chinese Kongfu, because they believe it can help they keep healthy. And some girls like dancing, because they want to keep fit.  I think the sunshine sports program is very important for us. Because the study of students very hard. Sports can also let brains have a good rest so that our study will be more effective. And it can help you relax.   Yours,  CAI zongrui   
