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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 12-11 16:55:36   浏览次数:243  栏目:英语作文
标签:小学英语作文,英语作文范文,高一英语作文,http://www.qingsong8.com 暑假计划英文|暑假计划英语作文,


The final that looks forward to for a long time passed eventually, summer vacation arrived, want to have new plan, had spent a significant summer vacation. The summer vacation that lets me has lived to get rich and colorful; Pass more livelily; Pass more contentedly. Want to achieve a goal, I set the following requirements for oneself: One, as a result of my carelessness, so I should become a problem seriously, and microscope. Him composition is not ideal also, so I should read extracurricular book more. Pass this session take exercise, I also obtain sweet fructification, my basketball level rises apparently, I still learned a carp to hit quite. I should correct defect, develop a good point. 2, in summer vacation, I should publish a composition on computer everyday, raise writing level. 3, side parents does chore, exercise oneself provide for oneself ability. 4, because my eyesight is bad, do not get online more so, watch TV, do exercise more. Gentleman one character, what has been cannot be withdrawn. To realize oneself promise, I should make arduous efforts, hope parents is supervised at the same time, such ability cross a significant summer vacation to live. For future the life lays good foundation. In summer vacation my wait at one's ease for an exhausted enemy, receive new term. The charming of the elite that I make a society for oneself now, times child, the pillar of the motherland steps the first pace! 
