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高中英语作文:A Note Left for Borrowing a Book

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A Note Left for Borrowing a Book

4:00 p. m., December 10

Dear Mr. Jiang,

May I borrow your A Handbook of Practical English Writing for one day or two? I want to use it as a reference book to write a letter of enquiry for one of my neighbours who is going to further his studies abroad but does not know how to write such a letter. If you can spare me it, please bring it to me tomorrow when you come to the classroom. Many thanks.

Yours ever,

Li Yuming


enquiry [in'kwai+ri]n.询问;打听


借物留言条(message note for borrowing something)的目的是向别人借东西,所以要写得客气些,如一开始用“May I borrow…?”或“Will you please lend me…?”这类句型;结尾用“Thank you”,“Many thanks”等礼貌说法。
,高中英语作文:A Note Left for Borrowing a Book
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