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基础语法讲座:on your way home

我要评论(0) 字号:T T 03-22 16:23:36   浏览次数:446  栏目:初中英语语法
标签:初中英语语法大全,初中英语语法讲解,http://www.qingsong8.com 基础语法讲座:on your way home,
  【You can often buy things from their shop on your way home.】

  You can often buy things from their shop on your way home.你可以经常在回家的路上从他们的商店买东西。
  句中的on your way home 意思是“在你回家的路上”,如果是到其它地方的路上则用介词to (on one's way to….)。例如:

  I often buy school things on my way home.

  He forgets to buy a book on his way to school.

,基础语法讲座:on your way home
标签:初中英语语法,初中英语语法大全,初中英语语法讲解,英语教学 - 初中英语 - 初中英语语法