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高中英语语法 倒装虚拟语气教案

  • 名称:高中英语语法 倒装虚拟语气教案
  • 类型:高三英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-15 01:57:43
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:859
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:68.0 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级
《高中英语语法 倒装虚拟语气教案》简介

标签:高三英语试卷分析,高中英语试卷,试卷下载, 本站提供高中英语语法 倒装虚拟语气教案免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com

高中英语语法 倒装虚拟语气教案
1. The boy acted ____ he had never lived in Canada before.
A. as though B. even if C. as D. since
2. ____ to the doctor right away, he might have been alive.
A. If he went B. Were he gone C. Should he have gone D. Had he gone
3. If you were older, I ____ you to go there yesterday.
A. will allow B. should allow C. would have allowed D. had allowed
4. The secretary suggested that they ____ the men in at once.
A. had brought B. should have brought C. brought D. bring
5. I wish I ____ able to tell him all about it last night.
A. was B. were C. had been D. should be
6. If we ____ here ten minutes earlier, we ___ the bus.
A. arrived/would catch B. arrived/would have caught
C. had arrived/had caught D. had arrived/would have caught
7. If I ____ more time, I would have gone with him.
A. had B. had had C. have had D. would have
8. He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ____ to the meeting.
A. would come B. came C. would have come D. had come
9. The Jade Emperor ordered that the Monkey King _____ right away.
A. would be arrested B. must be arrested
C. be arrested D. had to be arrested
10. Jane’s uncle insisted ____ in this hotel any longer.
A. not staying B. not to stay C. that he not stay D. staying not
11. Don’t touch the sleeping tiger. If he woke up, he _____ you.
A. would come to B. would come at
C. would have come toward D. will come to

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