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  • 名称:牛津版初一英语第一学期期中调研试卷
  • 类型:初一英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-15 00:35:32
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:408
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:61.0 KB
  • 推荐度:2 星级

标签:七年级上册英语试卷,初中英语试卷, 本站提供牛津版初一英语第一学期期中调研试卷免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com
用所给词的适当形式填空 (1′×10=10′) 1. Annie and Sandy are good __________(swim). 2. She goes to ____________(dance) lesson every day. 3. He lives on the _________(one) floor. 4. There are two ___________(library) in our school. 5. They are not Chinese. They are some __________(America). 6. The earth __________( go ) around the sun. 7. They want _________(play) football after school. 8. Jim enjoys ___________(eat) fish.,大小:61.0 KB
标签:初一英语试卷,七年级上册英语试卷,初中英语试卷,试卷下载 - 英语试卷 - 初一英语试卷