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初一英语试题 综合练习二

  • 名称:初一英语试题 综合练习二
  • 类型:初一英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-15 00:41:38
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:975
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:32.0 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
《初一英语试题 综合练习二》简介

标签:七年级上册英语试卷,初中英语试卷, 本站提供初一英语试题 综合练习二免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com

初一英语试题 综合练习二
( ) 1. My house is ______ the post office and the bank..
A on B in C between D over
( ) 2. What’s your favorite music ? __________.
A I like pop music best B My favorite singer is Liu Huan
C I often play basketball with you D My favorite is English
( ) 3. ________? I like a small one.
A Where is the country B What size pizza would you like
C Why do you like panda best D Where are elephants from
( ) 4. Did you go shopping yesterday? _________.
A Yes, I do B Yes, I did C Yes, I am D No, I couldn’t
( ) 5. Do you like country ? Yes, ________.
A Yes, I am a country fan B Yes, I am a pop fan
C Yes, I am interested in classical music D Yes, he is a fan
( ) 6.What does the rock singer______? He is tall and thin.
A look B look like C looks like D like
( ) 7. The girl is ___________ quiet.
A a bit little B a little bit C little a bit D bit a little
( ) 8. My friend is a ___________ girl.
A good-looking B good-look C looking –good D look-good
( ) 9. _________? Go upstairs and turn right.
A What are the jazz CDs B Where are the CDs
C Who is the woman D How can you sing the song
( ) 10. ____________? He is thirteen years old.
A Where is he from B Why do you like him C How old is he D Is he very smart
( ) 11. Do you like a small, medium or large pizza? _________.
A I ’ d like a medium pizza B Yes, I like
C I’d like some cheese on it D I want buy some
( ) 12. I don’t like hot dogs ________ hamburgers.
A and B or C with D but

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