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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 12-09 21:09:12   浏览次数:982  栏目:初三作文
标签:初三作文教案,初三作文大全,初三作文训练,http://www.qingsong8.com 给奶奶的一封信作文200字-250字,
Dear grandma 
 How s it going? I got my repord card today. All my grade was good except English . My English grade was disappointing. She said I was a lazy student, Which isn t true? I had a really hard time with English this semester, It s just that I find English test really difficult. So I don t think I was lazywww.qingsong8.com, but I will do better with my writing. At last, I hope you are in good health and tell me sister s grade.                                     Love 

标签:初三作文,初三作文教案,初三作文大全,初三作文训练,初中作文 - 初三作文
