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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 01-01 15:01:47   浏览次数:135  栏目:经典短信
标签:经典短信大全,经典手机短信,精典情人短信,http://www.qingsong8.com 阅读异性朋友的短信可能包含更深的意思,


1.把我的糗事 傻事 失落事告诉你 是希望你安慰我 照顾我 甚至骂骂我

2.有时实在没话了又想发给你 就会假装发错人 好吧 我承认这很蠢……

3.每次骂你“傻子”“笨蛋”“死孩子” 都是关心 希望你照顾好自己

4.主动发给你 一定是你在我心中有很重的分量 我很讨厌和不在意的人啰嗦

5."我晚上从不关机" 就是希望 只要你需要我 我就在这儿


7.当多是问句结束时 是希望能在和你多聊一会 相反如果“嗯”“哦”一定是敷衍 在意的人我多会回复“收到”“遵命”“知道啦”之类的

8.喜欢给你起外号的 是我希望可以让你多记住我一些

9.当你收到“你干嘛呢” 就等于“我想你了”

10.有一阵没发给你短信过 并不代表我没发出去的草稿箱里没有

12.发“呵呵”多是没笑或傻笑 但如果我发的是“嘿嘿”“嘎嘎”或者“哈哈哈”这是你打过来我一定是在笑

13.有时催你睡觉或者让你忙自己的 其实心里并不想你真的那么做

When we associate with the opposite sex friend have messages when, can want to read. Maybe you would come straight up into, but the key to think this short text contains mean!

1. My embarrassment stupid loss to tell you is hope you comfort me take care of me even scold scold me

2. Sometimes really didn't want to say and you'll pretend to send the wrong person ok I admit that stupid...

3 each scold you "fools" idiot "and" dead "children are always concerned about hope you take good care of yourself

4. You must be active to you in my heart is very heavy weight I hate and care of such a windbag

5. "I never shutdown" is the wish tonight if you need me, I was here

6. "I got home." "you take home tell me."
My first house is think of you hope you also so or you must trip I forbid you to occupy

7. When is the question is to end in and you talk more later if "well" "oh" must be perfunctory mind I will reply "receive" aye "know"

8. Like to your nickname is I hope that I can make you more

9 when you receive ", what are you doing? "" I think is the"

10. Don't send you a message doesn't mean I don't have to send the draft box no

12 "ha ha" hair is not laugh or smirking but if I send "hey" "quack," or "ha ha ha" it is you call me must be laughed at

13. Sometimes urge you to sleep or let you favour oneself of heart does not think you actually did so

标签: 暂无联系方式经典短信,经典短信大全,经典手机短信,精典情人短信,经典语句 - 经典短信
