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英语美句欣赏 关于七夕的句子

我要评论(0) 字号:T T 07-25 03:49:59   浏览次数:177  栏目:英语美文欣赏
标签:英语美文摘抄,晨读英语美文100篇,http://www.qingsong8.com 英语美句欣赏 关于七夕的句子,

  I made the right choice when I decided to marry you. Be my Valentine forever.


  No one has ever loved me the way you do. I love being your little Valentine.


  On this Chinese Valentine's Day, just like every day, all I have is love for you.


  We have had our difficulties recently, but you are still the one I call my Valentine.

  I knew that there would be ups and downs when I married you. But through it all you have always been my Valentine.


  I'm sorry that I can't be with you on this Chinese Valentine's Day. I send this Valentine's card to remind you that I love you.


  You have always been there for me, and I will always be there for you. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day.


  I fell in love with you when I first saw you, and I still am after 40 years.


  I didn't think that I could ever trust happiness. Then I met you. Happy Chinese Valentine's Day, Dear.


,英语美句欣赏 关于七夕的句子
标签:英语美文欣赏,英语美文摘抄,晨读英语美文100篇,英语教学 - 初中英语 - 英语美文欣赏

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