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轻松学英语 God and the man

我要评论(0) 字号:T T 01-27 20:59:30   浏览次数:622  栏目:轻松学英语
标签:初中英语文章,初中英语学习,http://www.qingsong8.com 轻松学英语 God and the man,

  A man visits God and says, "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" God says, "No, ask me anything at all."

  So the man says, "God, you've been around for a very long time, so, for you, how long is a thousand years?"

  God replies, "For me, a thousand years is only five minutes."

  The man then says, "That's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?"

  God replies, "For me, a million dollars is only five cents."

  The man says, "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?"

  God looks at the man, smiles, and says, "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!"

,轻松学英语 God and the man
标签: 暂无联系方式轻松学英语,初中英语文章,初中英语学习,英语教学 - 初中英语 - 轻松学英语