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初中英语小作文 我喜欢阅读

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  初中英语小作文 我喜欢阅读

  A famous saying goes like this: knowledge is power. And the knowledge is in the books. I think reading books is very interesting! There is a children’s song here. Take a look, it is very beautiful!

  Star light

  Star bright

  First star I see tonight

  Wish I might

  Have the wish I wish tonight

  It is a rhyme. It sounds spry. I'm sure you will get happy while you read this children’s song. Don’t you think it is a good song?

  Certainly, reading famous books is good for us too. It's good for our writing.

  I hope everyone will like reading, and the reading is good for everyone!,初中英语小作文 我喜欢阅读
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