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英语故事 Three craftsmen三位工匠

我要评论(0) 字号:T T 03-22 15:14:54   浏览次数:177  栏目:英语故事
标签:少儿英语故事,幼儿英语故事,小学英语故事,http://www.qingsong8.com 英语故事 Three craftsmen三位工匠,
      一座大城被敌军围困了,城中的居民们聚在一起,共同商议对抗敌人的办法。     A siege of the city of the enemy, the city residents to get together to discuss common fight against the enemy's approach.     一个砌匠挺身而出,主张用砖块作为抵御材料;一个木匠毅然提议用木头来抗敌是最佳的方法;一个皮匠站起来说:“先生们,我不同意你们的意见。我认为作为抵御材料,没有一样东西比皮更好。”     A build Carpenter to come forward to advocate the use of bricks as a resist material; a carpenter decided to propose to the enemy using wood is the best method; a cobbler, stood up and said: "Gentlemen, I do not agree with your views and I think that as resist material, as no better than what Paper. "     这是说,人们都习惯于从自身角度考虑问题,总认为自己所熟悉的东西是最好的。     It is said that people are accustomed to from their own point of view, the view that they are familiar with what is the best.,英语故事 Three craftsmen三位工匠
标签:英语故事,少儿英语故事,幼儿英语故事,小学英语故事,英语教学 - 小学英语 - 英语故事