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  • 名称:高一上学期期中统一检测英语试题(附答案)
  • 类型:高一英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-15 01:29:08
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:799
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:92.0 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:人教版高一英语试卷,高中英语试卷,试卷下载, 本站提供高一上学期期中统一检测英语试题(附答案)免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com

阅读下列各题,从A, B, C, D中选出一个最佳答案填入下列空白处。
21.Some people say that ____ British are ¬¬¬¬_____ funny people .
A. the; a B. /; the C. the; the D. the ; /
22. --- How did it __ that all the flowers died?
---- I had forgotten to water them .
A. come in B. come from C. come back D. come about\
23. There are some differences ___ spelling and pronunciation ___ American English and British English.
a. in; from B. between; in C. in ; between D. on ; between
24. You should know the difficulty I had ___ a job in the past.
A. find B. finding C. found D. to find
25. I was going to get on a bus __ someone called my name in the crowded people.
A. then B. when C. while D. where
26. I find the baby difficult to ___ .
A. look after B. be looked after C. looking after D. being looked after
27.My friend will leave China, so I’m going to ___ at the airport.
A. put him off B. see him off C. give him off D take him off
28, The 2008 Olympic Games will __ in Beijing , China.
A. be taken place B. host C. take place D. hold
29. I’m glad that this party is ___ .
A. success B. successfully C. a success D. succeed 

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