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初三年级英语中期考试题 (1—9单元)(新人教版)

  • 名称:初三年级英语中期考试题 (1—9单元)(新人教版)
  • 类型:初三英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-15 00:59:19
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:680
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:60.0 KB
  • 推荐度:2 星级
《初三年级英语中期考试题 (1—9单元)(新人教版)》简介

标签:九年级上册英语试卷初中英语试卷, 本站提供初三年级英语中期考试题 (1—9单元)(新人教版)免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com
初三年级英语中期考试题 (1—9单元)(新人教版)
19. These are machines in that corner.
A. cutting all B. all cutting C. all cut D. all to cut
20. ---- Mr Read, how long this school ? ---- For three years.
A. have you come to B. have you gone to C. have you been to D. have you been in
21. I was walking along the street I met my friend Jim.
A. while B. when C. for D. as
22. all the girls in the class, Wei Fang writes .
A. In, the most careful B. Of, most carefully
C. In, much more carefully D. Of, very carefully
23. The twins like swimming, .
A. so like Lin Tao B. Lin Tao likes so C. so does Lin Tao D. Lin Tao does so
24. Don’t play football on the road, ?
A. will you B. do you C. won’t you D. don’t you
25. The old man living in a big city.
A. do likes B. do like C. does likes D. does like
26. Miss Li walked to school she could.
A. as quick as B. so quick as C. as quickly as D. so quickly as
27. Have you finished your homework ? Yes, I’ve done it.
A. yet, yet B. yet, already C. already, yet D. already, already
28. There are mooncakes in this box than in that one.
A. many much B. many more C. much many D. much more

中考英语模拟试题    初三英语听力    初三英语试题上学期,大小:60.0 KB
标签:初三英语试卷,九年级上册英语试卷初中英语试卷,试卷下载 - 英语试卷 - 初三英语试卷