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  • 名称:初二上学期英语第8单元同步验收试题2
  • 类型:初二英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-15 00:46:18
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:827
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:64.0 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:八年级上册英语试卷,初中英语试卷,试卷下载, 本站提供初二上学期英语第8单元同步验收试题2免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com
I. 听句子, 在空白处填写你所听到的单词。(5分)
1. I saw a________ singer in the supermarket.
2. Our school won a ________ last month.
3. The doctor told my grandpa to do more ______ exercise.
4. Most visitors think the seals are very ______.
5. The children were tired, but they had a ______ school trip.
II. 听对话, 从A, B, C, D中找出一个与其内容相近的选项。(5分)
1. A. Mary got Yao Ming's autograph.
B. Sue got Yao Ming's autograph.
C. Mary met Yao Ming last month.
D. Sue met Yao Ming last month.
2. A. There's a shark in the sea.
B. There's an octopus in the sea.
C. There's a shark in the aquarium.
D. There's an octopus in the aquarium. 

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标签:初二英语试卷,八年级上册英语试卷,初中英语试卷,试卷下载,试卷下载 - 英语试卷 - 初二英语试卷