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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 01-01 15:15:48   浏览次数:764  栏目:其他演讲
标签:演讲稿大全,演讲与口才大全,英语演讲,http://www.qingsong8.com 新东方全民英语口语大赛演讲稿,
文 章www.qingsong8.com
any people escape from the city to seek more peaceful life in countryside.They are attracted by pastoral peace.Shanghai would like to take the World Expo as a chang to creat a more harmonious city for people to live in.I think that"Better city,Betty life"will no longer be a mere slogan on posters.

    Without any doubt,China will present to the world a "most successfull,most splendid ,and most unforgettable exposition.I believe, don't you ?

文 章www.qingsong8.com
标签: 演讲稿  英语口语  新东方  其他演讲,演讲稿大全,演讲与口才大全,英语演讲,演讲致辞 - 其他演讲
