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高三英语Unit 6 练习五课件

  • 名称:高三英语Unit 6 练习五课件
  • 类型:高三英语课件
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-19 14:04:11
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:499
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:64.0 KB
  • 推荐度:2 星级
《高三英语Unit 6 练习五课件》简介

标签:高三英语复习课件,高中英语课件, 本站提供高三英语Unit 6 练习五课件免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com

高三英语Unit 6 练习五课件
1. It was nearly an hour _________ the sleeping pill_________ effect.
A. when; took B. before; took
C. when; had D. before; had
2.Carol said the work would be done by 8 o’clock,______ I personally doubt very much.
A. it B. that C. when D. which
3.On the contrary, I think it is Truman_________ you,_________ to blame.
A. more than; are B. less than; who are
C. rather than; that is D. rather than; is
4.In autumn, the cattle have_________ into the cattle pen and counted.
A. been arranged B. to be arranged
C. been rounded up D. to be rounded up
5. Does it_________ to let children chat online with strangers?
A. make sure B. make out
C. make known D. make sense
6.You’ve been working so hard for nearly a month. Relax yourself, or you will_________ sooner or later.
A. put down B. get down
C. break down D. turn down
7.It’s a good way for us to memorize new words by seeing them_________ .
A. properly B. repeatedly
C. clearly D. jokingly
8.The women carrying babies, come in first,_________?
A. will you B. will they
C. don’t they D. don’t you
9.The time he has devoted in the past ten years_________ the disabled is now considered _________ of great value.
A. to help; being B. to helping; to be
C. to help; to be D. helping; being

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