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牛津英语高三模块 1 Unit 2 Growing pains (1)

  • 名称:牛津英语高三模块 1 Unit 2 Growing pains (1)
  • 类型:高三英语教案
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-17 14:33:40
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:633
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:72.0 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
《牛津英语高三模块 1 Unit 2 Growing pains (1)》简介

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牛津英语高三模块 1 Unit 2 Growing pains (1)
1. surprise vt. & n. _______________________
1) Your answer greatly surprised(使吃惊)me.
2) The news that Bush was taken away by the police came as a surprise (意想不到的事) to everyone.
3) To my surprise (令我惊讶的是), my mum should forget my birthday.
拓展 surprised adj. 惊讶的 surprising adj. 出人意料的
surprisedly adv. 惊讶地 surprisingly adv. 出乎意料地
(much) to one’s surprise令人惊讶的 in / with surprise出乎意料
take sb. by surprise出乎某人意料地、出奇不意地袭击某人
2. explain vt. explain sth. to sb. / explain to sb. sth.
explain + that clause
explain + why / how 等引导的特殊疑问句
1) The lawyer ~ed the procedure(解释程序) to us.
2) I asked my math teacher to ~to me (给我解释) the problem again.
3) Perhaps genetic difference can ~ why(解释为什么) some people put on weight more easily than others.
拓展 in explanation of 说明,作为什么的解释
3. leave vt. ___________________________
1) Who has left the door open (开着)?
2) Frankly, their rudeness left me speechless (无话可说).
3) Don’t leave the water running (流着) while you’re brushing your teeth.
4) The experiment left a lot of questions unanswered (没有回答).
5) Leave the letter to/with me (把信留给我). I’ll ensure it gets posted.
拓展 leave aside 把。。。放在一边 leave out 遗漏
leave behind 丢下、遗忘 leave off 停止
leave sb/ sth. alone 不打扰某人/某物 leave space 留有余地

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