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外研版高二英语选修6 module6 Vocabulary and Reading教案

  • 名称:外研版高二英语选修6 module6 Vocabulary and Reading教案
  • 类型:高二英语教案
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-17 14:23:24
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:264
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:36.0 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
《外研版高二英语选修6 module6 Vocabulary and Reading教案》简介

标签:人教版高二英语教案,高中英语教案,教案下载, 本站提供外研版高二英语选修6 module6 Vocabulary and Reading教案免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com
外研版高二英语选修6 module6 Vocabulary and Reading教案

Teaching Plan of Module 6 Book 6 Period 2
Topic: war and peace
Period: 2. Vocabulary and Reading
Time: 2010-11-19
Teaching class: Class Three Grade Two
Teaching aims:
Language and skills:
1. Learn some vocabulary related to war and peace, such as survivor, decare war on and so on.
2. Improve the ability of understanding general meaning of the passge and their reading skills and learn some detail information.
3. Be able to describe the D-Day landings and express their feelings about war.
,大小:36.0 KB
标签:高二英语教案,人教版高二英语教案,高中英语教案,教案下载,教案下载 - 英语教案 - 高二英语教案