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新课标高一英语必修4Unit5 Theme parks学案

  • 名称:新课标高一英语必修4Unit5 Theme parks学案
  • 类型:高一英语教案
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:01-01
  • 下载次数:339
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:52.0 KB
  • 推荐度:3 星级
《新课标高一英语必修4Unit5 Theme parks学案》简介

标签:人教版高一英语教案,高中英语教案, 本站提供新课标高一英语必修4Unit5 Theme parks学案免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com
新课标高一英语必修4Unit5 Theme parks学案

【学习目标】 Enable the students to know something about the various theme parks all over the world, to understand the difference between a theme park and a traditional park and try to finish the comprehending exercises.
【重点难点】 Teaching important points: To solve the questions in Comprehending, and let the students find out the main idea of each paragraph, give a summary of the text.
Teaching difficult points: How to give a general instruction/ description of a place.
【学法指导】 1.Skimming and scanning;
2.Asking-and-answering activities;
3.Listening method.
,大小:52.0 KB
标签: 高一英语教案,人教版高一英语教案,高中英语教案,教案下载 - 英语教案 - 高一英语教案