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九年级英语教案You are supposed to shake hands 2

  • 名称:九年级英语教案You are supposed to shake hands 2
  • 类型:初三英语教案
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:03-17 13:55:57
  • 下载要求:无需注册
  • 下载次数:292
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:50.0 KB
  • 推荐度:2 星级
《九年级英语教案You are supposed to shake hands 2》简介

标签:人教版九年级英语教案,初中英语教案,教案下载, 本站提供九年级英语教案You are supposed to shake hands 2免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com
九年级英语教案You are supposed to shake hands 2 
一 . [话题](Topic) Tell what you are supposed to do
二 .[重点词组](Key Phrases)
1. shake hands 2. be supposed to do
3. make some mistakes 4.make plan to do
5. on time 6. after all
7. get angry 8.tabble manners
9. pick up 10.take a drink
11. make noise 12 point out
13. it’s rude to do… 14. have a great time
15.get used to … 16.make appointments
17.make a toast
三 .[交际用语]
1. A: What are you supposed to do when you meet someone?
B: We’re supposed to shake hands / kiss / bow.
2. A: When were you supposed to arrive?
B: I was supposed to arrive on time.
3. You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.
4. You are not supposed to shake hands.
5. Spending time with friends is very important.
6. We never visit a friend’s house without calling first.
7. You are not supposed to stick your chopsticks into your food. 

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