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  • 名称:2017届高三英语上册单元测试题4
  • 类型:高三英语试卷
  • 授权方式:免费版
  • 更新时间:01-01
  • 下载次数:359
  • 语言简体中文
  • 大小:98.0 KB
  • 推荐度:4 星级

标签:高三英语试卷分析,高中英语试卷,试卷下载, 本站提供2017届高三英语上册单元测试题4免费下载,http://www.qingsong8.com
1. Last month, part of Southeast Asia was struck by floods, from _____ effects the people are still suffering.
A. that B. whose
C. those D. what
2. Mark was a student at this university from 1999 to 20xx, __________ he studied very hard and was made Chairman of the Students’ Union.
A. during which time B. for which time
C. during whose time D. by that time
3. I work in a business ______ almost everyone is waiting for a great chance.
A. how B. which
C. where D. that
4. The English play ________ my students acted at the New Year’s party was a great success.
A. for which B. at which
C. in which D. on which
5. New York, ________ I visited last year, is a nice old city.
A. that B. which
C. when D. in which
6. I can think of many cases _______students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn't write a good essay.
A. why B. which
C. as D. where
7. George Orwell, ________ was Eric Arthur, wrote many political novels and essays.
A. the real name B. what his real name
C. his real name D. whose real name
8. _______is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making 

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