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我要评论(0) 字号:T T 01-01 15:13:30   浏览次数:456  栏目:会议主持
标签:会议主持词大全,会议主持稿,http://www.qingsong8.com 英语演讲比赛主持辞,

During our participation in a series of activities, We will enrich our knowledge and improve our oral English as well as communication skills.


That is what we’ve long expected and dreamed of.


Today, our dreams come true! The arrival of English Festival makes everybody in Xinge School happy and inspired.


In order to make our English Festival more meaningful, let’s throw ourselves into it more enthusiastically. Let’s make this English Festival a brand new start for every one of us!


During our studies, we’ve become more and more confident, and we’ve perfected our personalities as well. And our knowledge and abilities grow every day!


Looking back on the course of our studies, we should say that our gain comes from our growing environment.


Let’s say thank you to our school, to all the leaders, to all the teachers, to everybody who pays attention to our growth.


Today, we’re greatly honored to represent all the students to express our gratitude from the bottom of our hearts and to express our blessing to the English Festival.


We wish our school a more brilliant future;


we wish our teachers work happily.


We wish everybody who care about us healthy, and with every success.


And furthermore, we wish our English Festival a complete success!

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源 www.qingsong8.com

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标签: 英语演讲  会议主持,会议主持词大全,会议主持稿,演讲致辞 - 会议主持